Thursday, January 17, 2008

What Counts?

I recently read a blurb in this month's Conscious Choice magazine that I wanted to share with you. The information was compiled by Jenny Rough and she sources the Potentia Foundation, International Women's Health Coalition. I thought the stats were particularly interesting and thought you might like to read them:

67% of the world's work is done by women
10% of the world's income is earned by women (Megy's note: so where does the other 57% go?)
1% of the world's property that is owned by women
15 - age by which 1 million of the world's girls will be forced to marry
15-19 - the typical age of brides in Sub-Saharan African (the average groom is 10 years older)
76 million girls in the world who have never received a single day of schooling
$35 is the cost of sending an Afghani girl to school for one year
$10 billion is the amount it would cost each year to send all the world's children to school by 2015 (less than the annual amount the world spends on ice cream)

Makes you stop and think, doesn't it?

Until next time...make it a fair trade day!

-Megy Karydes, Founder

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