Friday, January 25, 2008

Free Trees and Plants - what a great way to "recycle"

This posting isn't exactly about fair trade in the strict sense, but it is about treating people fairly and being good to our earth.

Cheryl Richter began a little Web site called because she realized that when large catalog companies or nurseries don't sell out there trees and plants, they are destroyed. Yes, that means that healthy, live plants that could have been planted never make it in the garden or space where they can be enjoyed.

Cheryl is a gardener and horticultural photographer and felt there had to be a better way to distribute these trees and plants. She's also a strong supporter of sheltered workshops. So, she meshed her interest and passion and launched

Yes, the trees and plants are free, but you do have to pay for shipping and handling which runs about $7.95 per unit. This cost covers not only the shipping but part of the "handling" which includes digging, washing, inspecting the items, size sorting, packing, labor, addressing, get the picture.

Regardless of the nominal fee, the fact is that you'll not only receive beautiful trees and plants for your garden, but you'll be saving these trees and plants from destruction and creating work for hundreds of thousands of disabled persons.

Fall bulbs are already sold out but you can order perennials, trees and shrubs.

Visit for more information.

Happy shopping!

Until next time, stay warm!

-Megy Karydes, Founder

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