Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What exactly does Fair Trade mean?

Being an active member of the fair trade movement both locally and nationally, I'm often asked what exactly does fair trade mean.
I usually begin by saying it's about reducing poverty in the world by respecting those who make the products we enjoy whether it's the coffee we drink or the jewelry we wear. Fair trade is about providing a fair wage to the artisan who made the products. It's about not using sweatshop or child labor. It's about women's rights and children's rights. But, at its core, it's about treating people with respect and with dignity.
We've recently began offering a book by Jackie DeCarlo called, appropriately, "Fair Trade". The book is available at www.World-Shoppe.com by clicking here: http://www.world-shoppe.com/cgi-bin/category.cgi?item=mas_eh011&type=store.
And, in addition to discussing what fair trade means, it also provides us with ideas on how we can incorporate fair trade into our every day lives whether it's through our purchases or to educate others about the difference fair trade can make in each of our lives and for those who make the products we enjoy on a regular basis.
A great read for anyone interested in learning more about fair trade, students, teachers, faith-based leaders and everyday, ordinary folks like us!
Happy reading.
Until next time,
-Megy Karydes, Founder

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the recommendation! It is very encouraging to me to know that the book is a valuable resource. With the movement evolving so much--in part to thanks to leaders like you--I use my companion blog to try to provide updates on chapters and share current events. I thought I'd let you and your readers know about that resource too.

Good luck with all your efforts! Chicago is one of my favorite centers of Fair Trade activities!
