Monday, July 23, 2007

Blog on our Web site!

Finally - after months, we finally figured out how to post our blog on our Web site! So, anytime you check out, please visit our Blog, too, to hear of upcoming events and news about fair trade, our new producer groups, or just new information about the world of conscious consumerism.

One of the things that was reinforced to me recently is the way fair trade is intertwined with the eco-friendly movement that seems to be taking over the marketplace like a crazy storm. Mind you, fair trade has been involved in recycling since fair trade became a concept since many artisans have very little to use in way of "raw" material, so they often use what is readily available whether that is old old drums in Haiti (which make beautiful wall decor when "carved" into designs), or old soda pop cans (which are transformed into fun pins in the shape of cats or people), or water hyancith that clogs the waterways in Bangladesh (which become gorgeous and practical stationery).

The point is that while we're excited that people are beginning to take a closer look at global warming and taking action, we're even more excited that people are finding us as another resource for eco-friendly products that have been designed to minimize our footprint but have also been designed as a way of life for many of our artisan groups.

Until next time, thank you for your ongoing and relentless support...


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